Step Ladder Tutoring Program

Services are provided in the community at various locations:
Step Ladder Tutoring Program:

Central Junior High School
215 E. Central Blvd.

Wethersfield Jr. High School
439 Willard Street

Summer Tutoring-Kewanee Public Library
102 S. Tremont

The Step Ladder Tutoring Program offers:

additional educational services

for middle school students

(7th & 8th Graders at Central and Wethersfield Jr. High Schools).

During the school year the tutoring sessions are held at each

Jr. High School Monday - Thursday. 3:00 - 4:15 p.m.

Summer Sessions are held at the Kewanee Public Library

Tues. - Thurs. 1:00 - 2:15 p.m.

Contact Etta LaFlora for application and enrollment information 853-7751.

All Volunteer tutors will need to fill out an application. Fingerprinting

and background check required for interested college students

and adults. Above items must be completed before starting

the program or volunteering to become a tutor.